A series of 17’ dia. x 42’ side sheet tanks that met ASME RTP-1 level 1 requirements for the internal surface and interior layer.
to Each Application
A 22’ dia. scrubber constructed in multiple sections and assembled on-site.
in Design
This Ethanol Bio Reactor was designed and manufactured by GPI.
Industry Leaders
in Composites Manufacturing
FRP composites are lighter and stronger than steel and provide superior corrosion resistance.
that Matters
Over 50 years of experience in manufacturing and designing composite structures.
Repair &
GPI Field Services includes, but are not limited to:
Preventive maintenance
Facility upgrades
Fitting replacement or relocation
Equipment/Tank Relining
GPI designs, manufactures, inspects, and repairs, fiberglass tanks, scrubbers and equipment for a variety of industry segments. As a family owned business with over 50 years in the composites industry, we have the experience to meet your process equipment and liquid storage needs.